October 24, 2011

From Vogue to Shakespeare

This is  the outcome of the visit to the Belgrade Book Fair this weekend. And it’s my favourite week of the year even better than birthday. And there you can by anything from British Vogue to vintage Shakespeare, and again for my favourite price of 1 Euro. Since Vouges and any forgein magazines are pretty expensive in Serbia (up to 15 Euro) this is a real treat (if only I could find Lula for 1E). I also bought a set of all 12 issues of National Geographic magazine from 2007 for 5E. Oh and I did buy some books, too, Tears of the Giraffe by Alexander McCall Smith, Sendman by Neil Gaiman and some Shakespeare.
So Serbian speaking readers got an extensive guide to the Belgrade Book Fair which would not make much sense for non-Serbian readers, so the rest of you guys only get the pictures. But in case anyone happens to be coming to the BBF feel free to ask for any advice or directions and welcome to Belgrade.
So this is what else I found there and also what I wore (comfort is essential in this case):


  1. That's kind of awesome! I wish that we had something like that. We had a local bookstore go out of business recently (boo!), but they're magazines were all 50% off, so I bought a bunch of things that I don't normally spend the $$ on, like Vogue Korea.

  2. Oh! P.S. -- I looked at Keiko's nail tutorial and it looks amazing! I can't believe that putting your finger in the polish/water like that turns out with such a pretty, smooth result!

  3. how nice! i always enjoy the out of country vogues online but theres something about flipping the pages that i miss!

  4. uuu super ulov! Vogue po cijeni od 7 kn zvuči više nego odlično! Super kombincija!..ja bi htjela vidjeti cijele čizme!!!!

  5. Hvala, Ana, bice i cele cizme, nesto su nestasne nekoliko puta sam htela da ih ukljucim ali fotografije prosto nisu bile kako treba....
    PS imas i stranu na srpskom (link na kraju posta, ne znam da li si videla) pa mozes da i tu da se pridruzis nasim balkanskim koleginicam blogericam u komentarisanju :)
