October 26, 2012

Belgrade Book Fair 2012

Belgrade Book Fair is my favourite time of the year. Birthdays and holidays have got nothing on it. Absolutely the best week of the year. This year the result is 17 books bought. Mostly second hand but in great condition and at half the price of the new books.

And every year I find at least one book that can be deemed the treasure. This year it was a copy of Breakfast at Tiffany's that I dug out from a pile in a cardboard box under desk in one of the stalls. It cost me less than a Euro and it's beautiful.

So, 17 books, in both English and Serbian (my superpower, reading in two languages, and I need more) will last me a while. Salinger, Murakami, Marques and I will have some great fun this year. OK, now I'm just bragging.



  1. Jao kupovanje knjiga, što se tome veselim ♥v♥ Mene je ovaj naš zagrebački Interliber razočarao, ništa povoljno tamo, a ono malo što je povoljno je bezveze. Bolje je šmucati se po antikvarijatima :)

  2. ne znam sta bih bez ovog naseg. ove godine smo kupili samo tri nove knjige po punoj ceni, sve ostale polovne :)
    skokni do bg sledece godine, ja cu biti vodic na sajam :)
