December 20, 2011


Dear Santa, if you are reading this, please note that, despite getting some glitter in my eye, I did not give up on holiday spirit. This is my wishlist, it’s pretty short (and if I may add, I only put the essential stuff on it, ok, almost essential).

Number 1: this is a book I’ve been dreaming of since university. I couldn’t find it in Belgrade, but I’ve recently heard of an Australian site that has free shipping worldwide on all their books.

Number 2: something fluffy to wear. Not real, just faux and it doesn’t have to be this particular one. Ideally I will finally find one in 2012, since I’ve been wishing for one for years and years, just like for this hat and I found the hat this year, so the coat has to be next.

Number 3: I got this mascara as a present. I was disappointed to see it was brown when I opened it, but it turned out to be ideal. The packaging is so beautiful (the pictures doesn’t do it justice), but the price is pretty discouraging, at least for Serbian conditions. I need a new mascara anyway but maybe I’ll just go to the store and hold this one in my hands for a while.

Number 4: the big bum of dotted tights made no one happier than me. I had a pair of dark greens when I was a kid and I wore them in special occasions with special dresses. And today I’m not as careful with tights as I was then. So the old pair was finished at the wedding of one of my best friends and it’s time for new ones.
So, what is on your wish list, real or imaginary?


  1. ma moja lista je više imaginarna, sanjarenje...ali ni to nije loše, možda jednog dana uspijem prekrižiti neku crticu sa liste...
    Čula sam da su smeđe maskare odlične pogotovo na zelene oči u mom sluč znam kave su boje tvoje ali se možda iznenadiš efektom! Ja sam probala ljubičastu i odlična je...

  2. e, pa i moje su zelene. nisam do sad probala ljubcastu maskaru, zbog crvene kose, trudim se da ne preterujem sa bojama. mada znam da ljubicasta senka cini cudo sa zelenim ocima:)

  3. book depository is the bomb!! love it :) xx

  4. I seriously have been searching stores around where I live for polka dot tights and have had no luck at all :( I'm determined though...they're too cute to lose hope for! I love the fur coat too...fabulous!

  5. Smeđa sjenka zaista dobro izgleda na plavim i zelenim ocima, mada ju je ja upotrebljavam po danu, kad mi je drazi decentniji izgled. Hhaha, kako se lijepo nasmina onom postu sa šeširom, i ja vec odavno zelim takav, nedavno sam sebi kupila ove polka dot thights, samo u smedjoj varijanti i super su, idu uz razne uzorke.
    Nadam se da ce ti se ostvariti želje s ove liste, divan blog :)

  6. I really want a faux fur coat too, I've been looking for a pretty one desperately and no luck. Same with the polka dot tights, but I did see them in Zara a while ago! :)
