March 16, 2014

Wes Anderson And Some Bacon

In real life diet and exercise for me, in dream life this:

This guy is so incredibly awesome that I won't even mention his name here out of fear that his reputation might get ruined after being seen in a place with so many photos of kittens and flowers and an occasional outfit post. If you have spare 20 minutes to die laughing watch this video and see how healthy competition works in rock'n'roll.

We're finally watching The Grand Budapest  Hotel this week and it's a chance to test this theory. Let's see if Anderson's characters have really lost the freedom of movement...



  1. wesov film je fantastican! odusevices se. fajns je genijalan, film je bizaran, u wesovom stilu s tim sto sam sada imala neke tarantino "flesbekove", pogtovo od bastardsa. sjajaaan film!

    1. gledala i potpuno si u pravu, fenomenalan je! :)

  2. I watched it last weekend. it was great. not as good as some of his other movies, but I did enjoy it. a lot :)
