May 8, 2012


No, I did not forget to tell you about the hat. In fact, I'll throw in a story about this bag and this dress just because I can.

About a month ago my friend Tamara called and said she'd be passing through Belgrade and she had some free time to meet up over ice coffee and catch up on news. So, she was waiting for me and I was late (which is actually very unusual for me). I was running down the cobblestone street when I saw an old man selling some old stuff and among old stuff this hat. I had to stop, I had to go back, you know I had to, even though I was already late. 'How much for the hat?' I screamed (I'm usually more articulate and polite). 'Two hundred' (which is about 2 Euro) he answered. So SOLD! Gave the money, grabbed the hat and ran off. And I had the perfect excuse for being late, which nobody would understand better than Tamara.

A week later I was going up the same street, after BF and I got late for the bus to our old little town. We had two hours to kill until the net bus, so we settled on going somewhere for milkshakes. As we were going up, I saw this old lady selling old stuff and this time a bag had my radars going. I said to the man we had to come back later and the man said 'Go now!'. And I went. The lady said 'Two hundred' I happily handed over two hundred and left with a completely new leather bag.

As for the dress, the story about it is completely unrelated with the previous two but I had to share it. I spent last Saturday in search for the dress for one of my best friends wedding this June. Now, people, I love shopping, I really do, but this day was so grueling I almost swore off it forever (well, we all know that would never actually happen). I tried on so many dresses and kept wondering when they'd stopped producing clothes for grown ups. It was like all the dresses were designed for me when I was fifteen and chasing boys around our little town in the hot summer nights. When I finally hit the stage of I'll-buy-any-dress-just-so-I-don't-have-to-relive-this-day, I luckily found this red one. Now I admit it, I cannot wait for June.

And I leave you with that, you can go and read other things now. As for the story about the hair you'll read in another issue... 



  1. Zakon post, najljepši su ti sitni neočekivani ulovi :)

  2. Nemogu ti opisati koliko sam ljubomorna na tvoj šeširić :)
    Nema boljeg osjecaja nego kupiti nešto fenomenalno za sitne novce :)
