December 17, 2012

La Femme & Misfits

These days I want to be icy blonde with porcelain skin dressed and trained to kill. I'm jumping out of closets and sneaking around in a half squat with the pretend gun in my hands. I'm instantly transported back to my teenage days when I actually did the same after watching La Femme Nikita on TV.

And I'm watching it on TV again. I refuse to see it on-line and do the three days five seasons marathon. I'm saving it and savouring it. It's a daily reward for, well, anything done (I suppose this means nothing would get done otherwise).

And I also have a weekly TV reward in the form of a British TV show Misfits. On Thursday nights you'll find me crushing on Simon.

Story is marvellously ridiculous, camera is captivating and the cast is fantastic from head, hair to accents.  



  1. I loved it, too, back in the day. I go without the blond, but the rest... it's a great fantasy, isn't it?

  2. i know, i'm usually pretty happy with my red and i would never look good as a blond, but in this case i'm torn :D
